Happy 13th Birthday to us! Letter from our Co Founder
Happy 13th Birthday to us! Letter from our Co Founder

Well, what a few years we have all had. And frustratingly it looks like things are not set to get much easier anytime soon… Despite the challenges that we all face through these strange times, we at Flower & White have always tried to look on the light and bright side and to keep on doing our very best for you, our incredible, loyal and valued customers.
Focussing on keeping light and upbeat, there are a few things that we are really grateful for and aside from you lovely lot – we really do value the small things right now, like showing kindness to each other, but especially important is showing kindness to ourselves. At Flower & White, we are continuing with our commitment to produce the most delicious and indulgent treats, that are made with premium ingredients, naturally low in calories and as light as a feather. But things just got even better; and in the spirit of kindness and sharing, we are excited to bring you a month packed full of deals and gifts that will really put a smile on your face.
Thank you, to you all for sticking with us – and let’s keep focussing on the positives and showing each other kindness and by treating ourselves lightly
Leanne Crowther, Co Founder x