INTRODUCING #BakeOn & a message from Leanne Crowther

INTRODUCING #BakeOn & a message from Leanne Crowther

Wow! What a few weeks we’ve ALL had!! Personally – worrying about loved ones and trying to make sense of this all, and professionally – I’m now working from home with 3 kids in tow! 


Despite all the insanity and the emotional rollercoaster, I know that the whole world is experiencing the same thing as me and that gives me comfort. 


However, I feel very lucky to have only had my routine upset. We have received so many messages and comments from our lovely followers and are learning so much about some of your very difficult situations. Our thoughts are with you all at this very worrying and difficult time – for all manner of reasons. 


Brian and I at Flower & White feel very proud to have a fantastic team of people working with us and last week we sent out a poll to learn what you needed to help get you through these challenging times. We read your messages and all put our heads together to think about what we could do to help as many people as possible. 


Thank you everyone for being so open and responsive. The top things that you said you couldn’t get from the supermarkets were bread and loo roll – obviously we’re not in a position to make loo roll, but we can help with the bread thing. We also asked you what you would be doing during your self isolation to which the majority replied baking and gardening.


So as a result we have spun on a sixpence and in just 10 days we have a new product that will hopefully make a difference to you and that will fulfil your need for bread and baked goods, but also give you something to do either on your own or with little ones.


We are very proud to introduce #BakeOn – bake at home ready to mix products which include bread, pizza, brownie, cookies, muffin and flapjack!


Even better, for every 10 pouches of mix sold Flower & White will donate a flapjack mix pouch to a food bank. Our flapjack mixes are vegan and simply need water in order to be made. 

We can’t wait to share our new range with you, thank you for your continued loyalty and support.

Love Leanne and Brian Crowther and the Flower & White family x
